Tuesday 6 January 2009

Introduction and Initial Ideas.

Welcome to my blog! :)

For my practical project, I am going to create a music magazine using In-Design and desktop publisher. I decided to create this rather than a film clip, as I wanted to work independantly and felt I would be more creative in creating this than a film. Below are some inital ideas that sprung to mind after deciding on what I wanted to do for my project.

Magazine Name
All magazines have a unique name that in some way reflects the contents and genre of the magazine.
I have chosen "sound" as the name of the magazine as it is the sound of the music that determines whether of not the listener likes the music. The word "sound" also denotes clearly what the magazine is about - music.

Magazine Target Audience
I have decided that my music magazine, will target mainly females, as my magazine is based on solo females in the music industry today. I have also decided that the target audience for my magazine ranges from young girls, aged 14 to young women aged 30. I decided on this target audience as I feel that there are more and more female artists being launched into the music industry and there is a huge gap in the market for magazines that represent these people.
Magazine Genre
The magazine contains entertainment and information of music variety . Genres included are:
  • RnB
  • Pop
  • Indie
I chose these genres of music as there does not appear to be many music magazines that cover more than one particular genres in one magazine. Magazines such as NME, Kerrang! and Rock Sound, all represent one particular genre where as my magazine with contain a variety of music, therefore appealing to a wider audience.

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